Kataklò Athletic Dance Theatre
T: (+39)3497972768
Office & Management 
Artistic Direction
Giulia Staccioli

Eleonora Guerrieri


Performer and Lecturer

Teacher of Katakló Aerial Barre in professional Academy courses.
After a long training in choreography, he approached the world of Physical Theatre thanks to the training course of Accademia Kataklò, which he completed, graduating, in 2014.
Since 2012, he has been part of the cast of the Kataklò Athletic Dance Theatre company, with which he brings to the stage, in Italy, Holland, Turkey, Tunisia and Brazil the productions Puzzle, Play and Eureka.
He has collaborated with choreographers Massimo Leanti on the creation “40/15” and Matteo Bittante for the show “Inside” and as a performer for the companies VuotoPerPieno, ZaMAga Athletic Dancers and Eleina D.
She has performed as an aerial acrobat in Lagos, Nigeria, for Kitomb, for Modulo Agency and on the TV shows The Voice of Italy (2016) and XFactor Italia (2018 and 2019). He has been collaborating with Huma Show Entertainment since 2015.
She has posed for photo shoots published in Rolling Stone Italia, Vanity Fair and Glamour and for photographer Emilio Tini. She has also worked as a model for Simone Raso in many Fujifilm Italy photography workshops.

In 2018, he received a degree in Modern Literature from the University of Milan.

Awards and Recognition

Laurea in Lettere Moderne presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano.
