Professional Athletic Theatre

Accademia Kataklò Giulia Staccioli is the first professional training and initiation academy dedicated to Athletic Dance Theatre performers. Choreographer and artistic director Giulia Staccioli, a former rhythmic gymnastics Olympian (Los Angeles’84, Seoul’88) who grew up artistically in New York at Alvin Ailey Studios and under the guidance of Moses Pendleton – Momix, founded the world-renowned Kataklò Athletic Dance Theatre Company in 1995.
Three-year professional training programme
Professional Athletic Theatre is three years in length and is divided into technical, athletic and choreographic teachings and theoretical-aesthetic teachings:
Athletic/Acrobatic Section
- Acrobatics
- Aerial Dance
- Katakló Aerial Barre
- Kataklò Repertoire
Dance Section
- Classical Technique
- Floor Work
- Contemporary
- Fusion
- Dance Theater
- Physical Theater
Other Teachings
- Choreographic Creation
- Initiation to the Stage
- Theater History
- Anatomy
Internal Teachers & Guests
Specialised Professionals in Technical Creative and Artistic Fields
A team of Specialized Teachers prepares students both technically and creatively and artistically. In addition to various internship and stage introduction opportunities, participation in workshops taught by guest choreographers and dancers from the international artistic scene completes the educational offerings.
Silvia Petranca
Claudia Cavalli
Aerial Dance
Riccardo Ninzoli
Giulio Crocetta
Lara Viscuso
Sara Palumbo
Aerial Dance
Erica Di Carlo
Alberta Palmisano
Susanna Baccari
Theatre Dance Guest Teacher MTM GROCK
Andrea Nardi
Giulia Staccioli
Artistic Direction
Francesco Sacco
Giorgio Azzone
Irene Saltarelli
Erika Ravot
Customised Paths
For each one according to physical/gymnastic peculiarities and age
The presence of the Kataklò Company at the same Academy location allows the student to witness the creation of the vast choreographic repertoire up close, to learn about the daily professional reality of a dance company, and to be able to study the company’s repertoire guided by the dancers and the Director.
For each pupil, customization of the course of study is possible according to physical/gymnastic peculiarities and age: both special reduced programs are prepared for younger talents approaching the academic professional path, and advanced program for older pupils with previous professional experience.
Thanks to the many collaborations that Accademia Kataklò has created over the past ten years and renews annually, all students have the opportunity to participate in various performance activities, respecting their level of training. The most deserving talents are involved in extracurricular professional start-up experiences and Kataklò company events.
DanceHaus is an accredited body for Professional Training Services.
Info & Registration
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